Newfoundland vs Great Pyrenees: Water Rescue vs Sheep Guarding

Newfoundland vs Great Pyrenees: Water Rescue vs Sheep Guarding

When you look at a Newfoundland vs Great Pyrenees, are you seeing just a black and white variation of the same dog? Intuitively, you probably spot many differences, but can you describe them? The Newfoundland vs Great Pyrenees is a black heavy-set dog with a brushtail and heavy square-shaped head. This contrasts the Great Pyrenees’…

How Much Does a Newfoundland Dog Eat: Surprising News About Your Huge Dog’s Appetite

How Much Does a Newfoundland Dog Eat: Surprising News About Your Huge Dog’s Appetite

Many aspiring Newfoundland dog owners start out their journey by wondering if they have what it takes to properly care for such a sizable companion canine. One of those worries relates to the Newfoundland dog’s appetite and the cost of providing food for this breed of dog. This is a great question to ask if…

Are Newfoundland Dogs Hypoallergenic: Read This Before You Get a Newfie

Are Newfoundland Dogs Hypoallergenic: Read This Before You Get a Newfie

The Newfoundland dog is not just one of the most ancient of the modern companion canine breeds. This dog is also one of the most beloved. If you have ever read or watched any version of the “Peter Pan” fairy tale, you probably remember “Nana,” the enormous family watchdog. This canine character was based on…

Do Newfoundland Dogs Shed: Get the Hairy Truth About These Gentle Giants

Do Newfoundland Dogs Shed: Get the Hairy Truth About These Gentle Giants

The Newfoundland dog is nothing short of massive in every way. These dogs may now be considered somewhat iconic due to the runaway success of the “Peter Pan” story, but once upon a time, they were simply humble working dogs that assisted people with hunting, guarding, and – most famously – water rescues. It is…