Are Samoyed Good Apartment Dogs: Find Out If Your Home Is Big Enough for Samoyed Dogs

Are Samoyed Good Apartment Dogs: Find Out If Your Home Is Big Enough for Samoyed Dogs

Some dog breeds need very specific types of homes to be happy and healthy. Then other dog breeds can live happily in any size space as long as their daily needs are met in creative ways. Which one is the Samoyed dog? This article gives you all the information you need to know if you…

When Do Samoyeds Calm Down: The Truth About This Active Working Dog Breed

When Do Samoyeds Calm Down: The Truth About This Active Working Dog Breed

Samoyeds may be cute as can be with their white fluffy coats and big button eyes, but they are a whole lot of dog in a relatively compact canine package. In other words, the Samoyed dog breed is typically not viewed as a breed suitable for a first-time dog owner. These dogs are a lot…

Are Samoyeds Good for First Time Owners: What to Know Before Choosing a Samoyed Dog

Are Samoyeds Good for First Time Owners: What to Know Before Choosing a Samoyed Dog

The Samoyed dog breed is said to be one of the most primitive and ancient of all modern primitive dog breeds. Both beautiful and smart, the Samoyed dog is easy to fall in love with. But many a first-time dog owner has discovered only after they brought their Samoyed puppy home that these dogs have…