Are Maltese Good for Apartments? Exploring the Perfect Companion for Compact Living

Are Maltese Good for Apartments

Maltese dogs are popular among apartment dwellers due to their small size and adaptability to living in confined spaces. However, before deciding to bring a Maltese into an apartment, it is essential to consider whether this breed is a good fit for apartment living.

One of the critical characteristics of Maltese dogs is their small size, which makes them a good option for apartment living. They are also known for their friendly and playful personalities, which can make them great companions for apartment dwellers who spend a lot of time at home. 

However, like all dog breeds, Maltese have unique needs and considerations that should be considered before bringing them into an apartment.

When considering whether Maltese is a good fit for apartment living, looking at their exercise needs, grooming requirements, and temperament is essential. 

Additionally, some considerations and challenges come with having a dog in an apartment, such as noise levels and access to outdoor space. 

Key Takeaways

  • Maltese dogs are famous for apartment living due to their small size and friendly personalities.
  • Before bringing Maltese into an apartment, it is crucial to consider their exercise needs, grooming requirements, temperament, and the challenges and considerations of having a dog in an apartment.
  • With proper care and attention, Maltese dogs can make great companions for apartment dwellers.

Characteristics of Maltese

Size and Weight

Maltese dogs are small, typically weighing between 4 and 7 pounds and standing at 8 to 10 inches. They are classified as a toy breed and one of the world’s smallest dog breeds. Their small size makes them well-suited for living in apartments or small homes.

Coat Type and Grooming Requirements

Maltese dogs have long, silky coats that require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. They do not shed much, making them a good choice for people with allergies. 

However, their coat requires frequent brushing and trimming to keep them in good condition. Regular baths are necessary to maintain the cleanliness and health of their coat.

Exercise Needs

Despite their small size, Maltese dogs have moderate exercise needs. They require daily walks or playtime to stay healthy and happy. They are not high-energy dogs but need exercise to prevent obesity and other health issues. A brisk daily walk or short play session is enough to meet their exercise needs.

Temperament and Adaptability

Maltese dogs are renowned for their gentle and loving temperament.

They are loyal and loving companions and enjoy spending time with their owners. They are also intelligent and trainable, making them a good choice for first-time dog owners. 

Maltese dogs are adaptable and perform well in various living situations, including apartments. However, they can be sensitive to extreme temperatures and may need extra care in hot or cold weather.

Suitability for Apartment Living

Size and Space Requirements

When it comes to living in an apartment, size matters. The Maltese breed is a small dog weighing between 4 and 7 pounds and around 8-10 inches tall. Their compact size and adaptability make Maltese dogs an excellent choice for apartment dwellers seeking a pet companion in limited living spaces.

They are also known for their calm demeanor, which means they don’t require a lot of space to run around and play. However, it is essential to note that even though they are small, they still need enough space to move around comfortably.

Noise Level

Living in an apartment means living close to neighbors. The Maltese breed is known for being quiet and not barking excessively, which makes them an excellent choice for apartment living. However, it is essential to note that all dogs can bark, and train our Maltese to prevent excessive barking.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

While the Maltese breed is small, they still thrive when provided with consistent training and mental enrichment to ensure their well-being and happiness.

This can be achieved through daily walks and playtime and by providing them with toys and puzzles to keep their minds engaged. It is important to note that Maltese dogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it is important to adjust their exercise routine accordingly.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Living

Maltese dogs are adaptable and can thrive in both indoor and outdoor living environments. However, since they are small and sensitive to temperature changes, providing them with comfortable indoor living space is essential. 

This can be achieved through proper temperature control and providing them with a comfortable bed and toys to keep them entertained.

Benefits of Having a Maltese in an Apartment

When choosing a dog breed for apartment living, the Maltese is a popular choice for many people. This small dog breed has much to offer regarding companionship, affection, and adaptability to living in small spaces. This section will explore the benefits of having Maltese in an apartment.

Size and Portability

One of the main advantages of having Maltese in an apartment is their small size and portability. They are one of the smallest dog breeds, weighing 4-7 pounds on average. This makes them easy to carry around and transport, especially if you need to take them to the vet or on a trip. They also only take up a little space in your apartment, which is ideal if you live in a small studio or one-bedroom apartment.

Low-Shedding Coat

Another benefit of having a Maltese in an apartment is their low-shedding coat. This breed has a single-layered coat that sheds little, which means less cleaning and vacuuming for you. This also makes them a good choice for people with allergies.

Companionability and Affectionate Nature

Maltese dogs are known for their companionable and affectionate nature. They love to cuddle and be close to their owners, which makes them great lap dogs. 

They also enjoy spending time with their owners, whether walking, playing fetch, or just lounging around the apartment. 

This breed is perfect for people who live alone or want a dog that can provide them with emotional support and companionship.

Alertness and Watchdog Capabilities

Despite their small size, Maltese dogs are known for their alertness and watchdog capabilities. The Maltese breed is vigilant and quick to bark, serving as a reliable alarm system to alert their owners of potential dangers or intruders. This makes them a good choice for people who want a small dog that can protect their apartment.

Considerations and Challenges

Separation Anxiety

Maltese dogs are prone to separation anxiety. This can manifest as excessive barking, destructive behavior, and physical symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea. To prevent separation anxiety, it is important to gradually get your Maltese used to being alone for short periods. Crate training can also help provide your dog with a safe and secure space when you’re not home.

Noise Sensitivity

Maltese dogs can be sensitive to loud noises, leading to excessive barking or fear and anxiety. Creating a calm and quiet environment is crucial, especially in an apartment with more noise from neighbors or outside. Training your Maltese to respond to commands like “quiet” or “settle” can also help manage barking behavior.

Housetraining in Confined Spaces

Housetraining a Maltese in an apartment can present some challenges, as there may be limited space for your dog to roam and play. 

Establishing a consistent routine for taking your dog outside to use the bathroom and providing plenty of opportunities for exercise and playtime is essential. Crate training can also help prevent accidents and establish a safe space for your dog.

Need for Socialization and Stimulation

Maltese dogs are social creatures and require regular socialization and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. This can include regular walks and playtime, training, and interactive games like puzzle toys. Exposing your Maltese to different environments and people is also essential to prevent shyness or fearfulness.

Tips for Successful Apartment Living with a Maltese

Establish a Routine and Set Boundaries

Living in an apartment with a Maltese can be a great experience, but it requires some effort to ensure that both the dog and the owner are happy. One of the most important things to do is to establish a routine and set boundaries. 

This means creating a schedule for feeding, exercise, and playtime and sticking to it as closely as possible. It also means setting clear rules about where the dog can go in the apartment and what items are off-limits.

Create a Designated Potty Area

One of the challenges of apartment living with Maltese is finding a suitable place for the dog to relieve itself. It’s essential to create a designated potty area that is easily accessible and consistently used. This can be a patch of grass outside the apartment, a litter box, or even a pee pad. Consistency is critical to successful potty training.

Additional Factors to Consider

When considering whether a Maltese is a good fit for apartment living, there are several additional factors beyond the dog’s size and exercise needs. Below are some critical considerations.

Building Regulations and Pet Policies

It is essential to check with the apartment complex or condominium regarding pet policies and building regulations. Some buildings may restrict the allowed size or breed of dogs or require additional pet fees or deposits. It is essential to know these policies before bringing Maltese into an apartment.

Availability of Nearby Parks or Green Spaces

While Maltese dogs do not require a lot of exercise, it is still crucial for them to have access to outdoor spaces for potty breaks and playtime. It is helpful to research the availability of nearby parks or green spaces that allow dogs and any dog parks in the area.

Allergies and Potential Health Issues

Maltese dogs are known for being hypoallergenic, which can make them an excellent choice for apartment dwellers with allergies. 

However, it is still important to consider any potential health issues that may arise with the breed, such as dental problems or respiratory issues. Regular vet check-ups and proper grooming can help prevent these issues.

Financial Considerations

Owning a dog, even a small one like Maltese, can incur additional expenses. Considering the cost of food, grooming, vet visits, and any pet-related fees or deposits required by the apartment complex is crucial. It is also essential to have a plan in place for any unexpected medical expenses.


Maltese dogs are an excellent choice for apartment living due to their small size, low exercise needs, and friendly temperament. They are lightweight, easy to carry, and ideal companions for apartment dwellers. 

Despite their fashionable appearance, Maltese dogs are more than just pretty faces; they are loyal, affectionate, and well-behaved, making them great family pets. Their small size also reduces the risk of accidental knocks on children.

However, like all breeds, Maltese dogs have their pros and cons. While generally friendly and well-behaved, they may experience separation anxiety and bark excessively if left alone for extended periods. Regular grooming is necessary to maintain their beautiful coat, which can be time-consuming and costly.

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