can a great pyrenees puppy stay out in the cold

Can a Great Pyrenees Puppy Stay Out in the Cold: Don’t Do This for a Healthy Puppy

The Great Pyrenees is a truly enormous purebred dog breed with an ancient and noble heritage as a working dog breed. These dogs are huge even before you add in their thick, double-layer, working dog coat! They are gigantic in puppyhood and even bigger as adults. But just because you have chosen a large to…

how much does a newfoundland dog eat

How Much Does a Newfoundland Dog Eat: Surprising News About Your Huge Dog’s Appetite

Many aspiring Newfoundland dog owners start out their journey by wondering if they have what it takes to properly care for such a sizable companion canine. One of those worries relates to the Newfoundland dog’s appetite and the cost of providing food for this breed of dog. This is a great question to ask if…

Are Newfoundland Dogs Hypoallergenic

Are Newfoundland Dogs Hypoallergenic: Read This Before You Get a Newfie

The Newfoundland dog is not just one of the most ancient of the modern companion canine breeds. This dog is also one of the most beloved. If you have ever read or watched any version of the “Peter Pan” fairy tale, you probably remember “Nana,” the enormous family watchdog. This canine character was based on…

Great Dane Old English Sheepdog Mix

Great Dane Old English Sheepdog Mix: This Hybrid Is a Truly Unique Family Dog

The Great Dane is one of the true giants of the canine world. These dogs are so enormous that they regularly win Guinness Book of World Records “largest dog” titles. The Old English Sheepdog, in contrast, is more unassuming in size. But they are very memorable in appearance, with long shaggy hair coats that have…