Do Great Pyrenees Drool: Why Owners Are Divided on This Question
The topic of dogs and drool is a big one among prospective dog owners. Some dog lovers really don’t mind a dog with a “wet mouth.”
Then again, there are other dog owners who can tolerate just about anything but lots of slobber and drool from their furry pet.
What is interesting about the Great Pyrenees dog breed is that breeders and owners are not unified in their assessment of whether and/or how much this dog breed drools.
Read on to learn more about the controversy and find out what to expect if you get a Great Pyrenees.
Do Great Pyrenees Drool
The most accurate answer to the question does Great Pyrenees drool is that it seems to depend on the individual dog.
Some breeders and Great Pyrenees owners will say their dogs drool and that this breed as a whole produces a lot of drool, as this dog owner Reddit thread illustrates.
But then again, other breeders and owners will say their dogs don’t drool.
Read on to learn about factors that can influence whether and/or how much a Great Pyrenees dog might drool.
See for Yourself if Great Pyrenees Dogs Drool
This short YouTube video gives you an idea of how much drool a Great Pyrenees dog can produce.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that your particular Great Pyrenees will drool as much as the dog in the video. But it is definitely a possibility!
Do They Or Don’t They – Experts Say Great Pyrenees Dogs Can Drool
According to Vetstreet, Great Pyrenees dogs as a breed do drool.
They say the drooling can be especially pronounced right after these dogs drink water.
However, the Great Pyrenees Rescue of Montana says that drooling is not common among Great Pyrenees dogs except in these five situations:
- Drinking water.
- Begging for food or treats.
- Eating.
- Panting a lot.
- The dog has poor tooth/bite structure.
The last condition – the poor bite structure – may be one clue as to why some Great Pyrenees dogs seem to drool more than others.
This may be one reason some owners say their Great Pyrenees dog doesn’t drool at all while other owners say their dog never seems to stop drooling.
Health Concerns If Your Great Pyrenees Is Drooling A Lot
The American Kennel Club (AKC) points out that it is important to know the difference between regular drool and irregular drool.
All dogs will drool at least a little because the canine mouth produces saliva just like the human mouth does. And some dogs drool more than others due to a combination of factors, some of which we have already discussed here.
For you, the Great Pyrenees owner, it is important to be able to tell when your dog is drooling more than normal. This can be a warning signal that your dog is having a health problem that may require veterinary care.
Typical Versus Atypical Great Pyrenees Drooling
PetMD explains that atypical canine drooling is called ptyalism.
Typical or normal dog drooling, on the other hand, is called pseudoptyalism, or false ptyalism.
Of course, figuring out the difference between true ptyalism, a medical condition requiring treatment, and pseudoptyalism, a normal amount of drooling can be more challenging with some dog breeds than with others.
This is especially true if you are accustomed to owning dog breeds that don’t drool much, such as the Dachshund or Welsh Corgi.
If you go from a dog like this to the Great Pyrenees, you might find yourself amazed, shocked, or even downright alarmed by how much drool your new dog can produce!
So what should you do?
Schedule a checkup with your canine veterinarian
We always recommend taking the more precautionary approach, especially if you and your dog are still new to each other.
Go ahead and schedule a basic wellness exam with your canine veterinarian. Mention your concerns about drooling. Even if you are new to owning a Great Pyrenees dog, your veterinarian will not be new to the breed.
As such, your dog’s vet will be the best resource to assess your dog’s overall oral health. If need be, your veterinarian can refer you to a veterinary dental specialist.
Keep a log to notice dips and spikes in drool levels
One of the best habits you can get into when you start caring for a new dog (or a new dog breed) is to keep a log for notes.
This kind of record-keeping can be especially important when you are caring for a young puppy.
You want to have a record of weight gain, increase in height, amount of sleeping, potty training, and temperament. Your veterinarian may even ask for this data during your vaccination appointments and “well puppy” checkups.
You can also use this log to track drool levels.
We mentioned earlier in this article that Great Pyrenees dogs are often known to drool more during certain times of the day or during certain events.
You might come to expect a rain shower of drool when dinner is served or right after drinking water. So if you start to notice excessive drooling at other times, this is something to note and mention to your dog’s veterinarian right away.
Drooling As a Sign of Health Issues
Now you know that the medical term for excessive or abnormal drooling is ptyalism.
What types of health conditions might include abnormal or excessive drooling?
According to Vet Help Direct, there are quite a number of canine health issues that may include drooling like one of the warning signs or symptoms.
Dog drooling due to heatstroke or heat exhaustion
One of the most overlooked of these is heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Unlike people, dogs can’t sweat through their skin to release excess heat and cool themselves.
Dogs only sweat through their paw pads and by panting. When a dog gets overheated, this often isn’t enough to release the excess heat adequately.
A dog suffering from heatstroke may begin to drool and pant, exhibit a red tongue and pale gums and suffer from diarrhea or vomiting.
This is a serious condition and requires emergency veterinary care.
Large dog breeds like the Great Pyrenees that are built for cold temperatures can be more susceptible to heatstroke or heat exhaustion.
Dog drooling because of toxicity or poisoning
Another all too common reason why a dog might start to drool a lot is after they have eaten something toxic, caustic, or even poisonous.
Or let’s say that your Great Pyrenees went out into the backyard and found a toad or lizard and licked it. Many reptiles and amphibians exude toxins or poisons through their skin to try to ward off predation.
The same holds true for many common home and garden plants, some of which are highly toxic to dogs. It is worth taking a look around your home and yard to make sure all greenery is safe and any pesticides or fertilizers are stored securely.
Dog drooling because of dental issues
Caring for your Great Pyrenees dog’s teeth isn’t quite as simple as caring for your own.
Also, dogs aren’t typically so careful about how they use their mouths and teeth and tooth fractures and breaks are common.
When a dog develops a cavity, gum swelling, oral infection, periodontal disease, or other dental health issues, the mouth may produce more drool to try to clean and sanitize the area.
Sometimes drool may simply be due to a foreign body lodged in the tooth or gums, such as a stick or sliver of bone from a toy or treat.
Dog drooling because of nausea or systemic illness
Many dogs get motion sick like people. Dogs are also prone to nausea, dizziness, and queasiness just like people.
In these situations, seeing more drool is not at all uncommon.
How to Control Great Pyrenees Drooling
If you are still shopping for a Great Pyrenees puppy and are concerned about drool, the Great Pyrenees Club of Southern Ontario has an interesting article about why some Pyr dogs don’t drool as much as others.
The article states that jaw and lower lip shape can impact if and how much a Pyr might drool. There are also photos you can look at to see what might cause more or less drooling in adulthood.
On that same note, if you are concerned about the amount of drool your Great Pyrenees might produce, this is a great conversation to have with your breeder before making a commitment to a puppy.
As the article implies, some breed lines may be far less likely to produce a lot of obvious drool. So try to meet the parent dogs and see if they are “droolers” before choosing a puppy.
You can also learn when to expect drool and take steps to minimize your contact with it.