Japanese Spitz Shih Tzu Mix

Japanese Spitz Shih Tzu Mix: Meet the Cheerful Playful Dog

Have you searched for a sweet, lovable, intelligent, and energetic canine companion? Do you love small dogs with long, soft coats? If so, you may want to check out the Japanese Spitz Shih Tzu mix! This unique and adorable crossbreed will bring joy to the right family. The Japanese Spitz Shih Tzu hybrid combines the…

dogs that look like shih tzu

7 Dogs that Look Like Shih Tzu: Mirror Images, Copycats, and Near Misses

“Oh geez, all those little dogs look the same.” That is what those of us who do not own Shih Tzus or see them every day think. Of course, not all small breeds look identical. However, several breeds look a lot like Shi Tzus, especially when you consider the recent trend to add more colors….

Why Do Shih Tzus Lick So Much

Why Do Shih Tzus Lick So Much: Emotional, Behavioral and Medical Reasons for This Behavior

Shih Tzu dogs are very popular small dogs that love people. In fact, out of nearly 200 purebred dog breeds, the Shih Tzu is in the top 20 most popular dogs in the United States! Some canine researchers theorize that licking is one way that dogs show affection and love to their people. Other researchers…