Why Do the Great Pyrenees Howl? Here Are 9 Reasons

Why Do the Great Pyrenees Howl? Here Are 9 Reasons

If you own or are considering owning the Pyrenees, you might wonder why they howl so much. This is a characteristic that distinguishes the breed. Here’s more information! Howling serves several purposes. The great Pyrenees howl for various reasons, including loneliness, boredom, fear, and Pain. Their howls are also a response to high-pitched sounds and…

Great Pyrenees Shar Pei Mix: Meet the Independent Calm Dog

Great Pyrenees Shar Pei Mix: Meet the Independent Calm Dog

The Great Pyrenees Shar Pei Mix is a hybrid canine descended from the shar-pei and the Great Pyrenees. Dogs of these species have the potential to be sociable, but individual temperaments vary widely. As a breed, Chinese Shar-Peis are considered to be loving, cautious, and faithful. An animal’s behavior in social situations is greatly influenced…

Basset Hound Great Pyrenees Mix: Is This Mix Breed Right For You?

Basset Hound Great Pyrenees Mix: Is This Mix Breed Right For You?

Do you plan to adopt a Basset Hound Great Pyrenees Mix as your best friend? These breeds have similarities, especially in size, temperament, and exercise demands. However, they have several differences as well. Is Basset Hound Great Pyrenees Mix Right For You? This is the right pet for your home if you love a dog’s…