are chow chows good for first time owners

Are Chow Chows Good for First Time Owners? Need-to-Know Basics

A common concern when considering the adoption of a new dog is whether the breed is good for first-time owners. While all dogs present challenges to inexperienced owners, some dog breeds come with hurdles that are exceedingly difficult to clear. What if after all your research you decided the Chow Chow was the best fit…

Can Siberian Huskies Swim

Can Siberian Huskies Swim: Learn About the Athletic Sibe Dog

The Siberian Husky is a dog breed that many instantly recognize, even if they aren’t dog lovers. These dogs have become popular thanks partly to successful movies that have featured their brave service to people. This is also one main reason the Siberian Husky is so popular as a companion canine throughout the United States…

how fast is a poodle

How Fast Is a Poodle: Learn the Top Speed for This Amazing Canine Athlete

The Poodle often strikes people as too fancy for hard work. So it comes as a big surprise that this curly-haired pooch actually comes from a true working dog background. In short, these dogs are amazing athletes! They can do it all, from swimming to jumping to running flat out in a burst of speed….

Are American Eskimo Dogs Good for First Time Owners

Are American Eskimo Dogs Good for First Time Owners: Why You Might Rethink Choosing an Esky for Your First Dog

American Eskimo dogs are quite simply adorable. These dogs look like miniature Siberian Huskies and their pure white fur is dreamy to behold. But these dogs have an interesting history and background, which can mean they aren’t the ideal breed for someone who has never owned or trained a dog before. In this article, we…